In the Deep...

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hi loves...I'm sorry but I am having trouble discussing fashion or style today. It all just seems so trivial in the grand scheme of things. The tragic incident that occurred Friday in Newtown, CT on Friday has stayed on my mind since. I have prayed and cried and cried and prayed and I still cannot understand or comprehend the violent act that took place. As a teacher, I pray I never have to be put in that kind of position with my students and that they never have to experience something so horrifying in their lives. As a future mother one day, I pray I never have to receive that kind of call...i choke up just imagining. My deepest prayers and thoughts are with the families and friends of those precious kids and victims knowing that God will give them peace, strength, and fills in the gap with whatever they need during this trying time.

Linking up Here today
Before heading out to do some Christmas shopping with my lovey on Saturday! 
Vest: Old Navy
Shirt: Thrifted
Scarf: Target
Jeans: Gap
Boots: Gifted
Purse: H&M

Hug and tell those you love how much you love them today and every chance you can. Have a wonderful day!

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